Australia and New Zealand are resilient and growing markets that can provide you with a key source of new business opportunities and strategic partnerships for growth.

Australia and New Zealand are resilient and growing markets that can provide you with a key source of new business opportunities and strategic partnerships for growth.

The US is Australia’s 2nd (and New Zealand’s 4th) largest source of imports.

Both countries have:

  • Strong, robust economies and stable political systems
  • Long-running AAA credit ratings
  • Similar language, culture and business practices
  • Business-friendly environment and open, transparent government practices
  • Close strategic trade and investment relationship with the US (FTA)
  • Proximity to growing Asia-Pacific economies
  • Low tariffs and generous tax incentives
  • Global demand for the region’s energy, minerals & food.

Doing business in the region offers you access to outstanding entrepreneurial skills and a dynamic industry and skills base.

We’ve worked in the Australian and New Zealand markets for decades and understand local trade and investment environments intimately.

Even in favourable conditions, experience shows that “going it alone” can lead to time-consuming and costly mistakes. Partnering with us allows you to leverage our relationships and target local prospects with ease.

Learn more about how we can help you do business in Australia and New Zealand.